
New Personal Papers Catalog

The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of The John Hopkins Medical
Institutions is pleased to announce the availability of a Web-based catalog of
over 200 of the repository's personal paper collections.  Each catalog entry
contains a biographical sketch, portrait, and description of the scope and
content of the collection. Folder listings will eventually be added.  Entries
are available in both HTML and SGML/EAD.

Point your browser to <http://www.med.jhu.edu/medarchives/ppapers.htm> to find
a rich resource for studying the lives and contributions of individuals who
have been associated with The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Johns Hopkins
Hospital Training School for Nurses,  The Johns Hopkins University School of
Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
and The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.

Send any feedback about the catalog to <lmix@jhmi.edu>, and send reference
queries to <archives@jhmi.edu>.

Lisa A. Mix
Coordinator for Processing and Research
The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions