Archiving the Records of Contemporary Science
Liège 1996

Speakers' Biographical Notes

Finn Aaserud received an MA in physics from the University of Oslo and a PhD in the history of science from the Johns Hopkins University. He was Associate Historian at the American Institute of Physics' Center for History of Physics from 1985 to 1989, when he was appointed director of the Niels Bohr Archive in Copenhagen. Aaserud has published on the history of the Niels Bohr Institute in the 1930s and on American physicists and national security in the wake of Sputnik. He is General Editor of the Niels Bohr Collected Works, published by Elsevier, and working editor of the series' last volume, which will include documentation of Bohr's political ideas and activities to promote an 'open world'.

Anne Barrett MA.; BA Hons; Dip Archive Admin; Dip Lib; (Postgraduate qualifications from University College London). Archivist Imperial College of Science Technology & Medicine, London, since 1989. Anne has worked in Science institutions in various capacities, beginning with psychiatry and going on to science information in Oxford, then at Imperial. Much of her professional work has been in preservation, she is a member of the UK Preservation Administrators Committee and London University Preservation Group, and has worked with the Preservation Committee of the Society of Archivists. Latterly she has been involved with two committees of the Scientific Universities Group of the ICA: Guidelines for University Archives and the Archives of Science. Her other research interests lie in the history of science, particularly nineteenth-century popular science teaching on which she is writing a PhD at Imperial. Her main publications have been Imperial based such as a Pictorial History of Imperial College. Previously she has produced historical resource packs for GCSE school courses.

Ginette Gablot est responsable adjoint du "musée et des archives de l'Institut du radium". Elle est aujourd'hui plus particulièrement chargée des archives et co-responsable d'un travail de recherche en muséologie, comprenant un fort volet patrimonial et débouchant sur "ds parcours culturels à travers la recherche scientifique sur la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève". Jusqu'en 1991, parallèlement à un travail sur l'histoire des périodiques et de leur traitement documentaire, elle était chargée d'un programme d'aide à l'édition scientifique française.

Robert Halleux, PhD in History of Science, Director of the Centre d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques, Universite de Liege, Belgique. President of the Belgian National Committee for History of Science. Editor of the journal Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences.

Peter Harper has been a specialist in scientific archives since 1983 with the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC) in Oxford and its successor the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS) at the University of Bath. In 1996 he was appointed as Director of the NCUACS. Under the auspices of the Royal Society the NCUACS aims to locate, catalogue and find permanent places of deposit for the papers of distinguished contemporary British scientists and engineers. His publications include eighty catalogues of scientists' papers (in collaboration); Guide to the manuscript papers catalogued by the CSAC and NCUACS, 1973-1993 (1993).

Rod Home studied physics and then history and philosophy of science at the University of Melbourne before completing a PhD in history and philosophy of science at Indiana University. He has been Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne since 1975. He has published extensively on the history of eighteenth-century physics and, more recently, on the history of science in Australia. He is editor of Historical Records of Australian Science, founder-director of the Australian Science Archives Project, and President of the Commission on Bibliography and Documentation of IUHPS.

Christina Jonsson, a chemical engineerer and former secretary of research at the Departement of Mineral Processing at the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, graduated in Archives technics at the University of Stockholm 1976. She has been Head of the archives at the Royal Institute of Technology since 1977 and is also responsible for information security at our university. She is a member of the steering committee of ICA/SUV and of its subcommittee on archives of sciences; a member of the Swedish technical committee of standards concerning archival technics; and chair of SUSEC, the Swedish Universities Information Security Group. She is about to organize a museum and a scientific archive about Hannes Alfvén, a former professor in plasma physics and is developing a center for scientific archives to document other prominent scientists of our university. She is also part of a project together with the Swedish national archives concerning the documentation of scientific research. Besides that she is leading a great project concerning information security involving strategies, policys and guidelines for using our network and computing facilities, web policies and the use of our systems. Of special interest is the scientist use of these facilities. This also includes analyzing the state of the art of security in electronic communications.

Philip Kent, following a background in Queensland academic libraries, has worked within CSIRO, Australia's premier science organisation, for over ten years. The majority of his library work experience has been in the areas of acquisitions, serials and collection management. His group provides value added technical services on behalf of CSIRO's network of forty-five libraries throughout Australia. Since 1993, Philip has taken on a broader information management role including responsibility for corporate archives and records management activities and the CSIRO Index, an online index and hard copy collection of all professional publications authored by CSIRO staff. Since 1994, Philip's group has played a key role in developing and implementing new records management policies and procedures throughout CSIRO. Philip's particular research interests are in the area of electronic laboratory notebooks and groupware applications. Philip also has a keen interest in the management of knowledge and information as a strategic resource for corporations. Philip has authored and edited a number of articles and books in the library and information area. He has also held various positions within library and information organisations. He is currently President of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Library & Information Association. In 1995, Philip studied in the Masters in Archives and Records programme at Monash University. He is currently studying for the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration at Swinburne University but hopes to return to his studies at Monash subsequently.

John Krige is currently the Director of the Centre de recherche en Histoire les Sciences et les Technigues, at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (La Villette), Paris. His main field of research is postwar European scientific and technological collaboration. He has published extensively on the history of CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics) and of ESA (the European Space Agency). He is also editor of the international journal History and Technology.

Gavan McCarthy, MA Monash, BA LaTrobe, has been the archivist in charge of the Australian Science Archives Project since its inception in 1985. Prior to that he worked on science, medicine and technology collections at the University of Melbourne Archives. He is a professional member of the Australian Society of Archivists Inc and a member of its federal council. His research interests include the history and archives of science, technology and medicine in Australia and more particularly the development of resources and tools for continuing research in these areas. His major publication is Guide to the Archives of Science in Australia: Records of Individuals, D.W. Thorpe, Port Melbourne, 1991. In recent years he has seen ASAP develop its work to include major consultancy projects for the electricity and pharmaceutical industries and become an important information provider on the World Wide Web.

Carmelia Opsomer, PhD, graduated in History of Science from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, specialist in manuscripts and history of natural sciences, head of the department of manuscripts in the library of the University of Liege.

Gianni Paoloni is responsible for the archvies of science and technology at the Archivio Centrale dello Stato in Rome. He has actively worked for the preservation of important personal and institutional archives presently held by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Dipartimento di fisica - Universita' 'La Sapienza' di Roma, ENEA (the Italian former nuclear agency).

Patricia Radelet est physicienne de formation et enseigne l'histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques aux élèves de dernière année en sciences mathématiques et physique et aux futurs ingénieurs de l'université catholique de Louvain. Elle dirige la partie "travaux" de l'édition complète des ouvres des mathématiciens et physiciens de la famille Bernoulli. Elle est auteur ou coauteur de plusieurs volumes de cette collection (e.g. mécanique et magnétisme de Daniel Bernoulli). Elle a édité avec Ed. Benvenuto un recueil d'articles nommé "Entre mécanique et architecture" et est l'auteur de nombreux articles d'histoire de la mécanique et de la physique.

Benoit Severyns, MA in International Relations, University of Leeds, in charge of international affairs for the Centre d'Histoire des Sciences, University of Liege, specialist in Eastern European and Middle East countries.

Julia Sheppard, BA, Dip Arch Admin. Archivist of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives at King's College London 1971-78. Moved to the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in 1979 to set up their Contemporary Medical Archives Centre. This is locates and acquires personal papers of medical practitioners and researchers and records of a variety of organisations including professional bodies, associations, societies and research organisations such as the Lister Institute and the Strangeways Research Laboratory. We undertake surveys of records elsewhere and, since 1985, have jointly run the Hospital Records Project with the Public Record Office, a database on the location of records of c1600 hospitals in the UK. Currently CMAC has a staff of six with over 450 collections. Julia is a member of the Society of Archivists and its Specialst Repositories Group and of a number of committees such as the Health Archives Group and the Radiology History Committee and Royal Society Library Committee. Co-editor with Janet Foster of British Archives: a guide to archive resources in the UK (Macmillan, 3rd edn, 1995), and has recently jointly produced 'Hospital Patient Records: a guide to their retention and disposal'.

Joan Warnow-Blewett is Associate Director of the AIP Center for History of Physics now located in College Park, Maryland. Her activities and writings focus on: (1) cooperative documentation strategies, especially appraisal studies and preservation of materials at appropriate repositories, and (2) documentation research (including macroappraisal) to resolve archival problems, especially those pertaining to changes in organizational structures and communication patterns. She chaired the Joint Committee on Archives of Science and Technology and is a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists. She served on the Steering Committee for the National Research Council that published Preserving Scientific Data on Our Physical Universe in 1995.

Odile Welfelé-Capy, archiviste-paléographe (promotion 1982), conservateur en chef du Patrimoine aux Archives nationales. Je suis entrée aux Archives nationales en 1982 dès la fin de ma scolarité à l'Ecole des chartes. J'ai travaillé deux ans au centre des archives contemporaines des Archives nationales (Fontainenbleau), puis au ministère de la recherche et de la technologie. A partir de 1985, je me suis occupée de l'organisation de l'archivage dans différents établissements publics scientifiques : Palais de la Découverte, Agence française pour la maitrise de l'énergie, l'institut national pour la propriété industrielle et le centre national pour la recherche scientifique (CNRS). - Les établissements publics français sont des structures qui sont créées pour remplir des objectifs précis. - Depuis 1987, je suis à temps plein chargée des archives du CNRS. J'ai d'abord créé un service d'archives pour l'administration centrale. En 1991, j'ai eu l'occasion de classer les archives du laboratoire Louis Néel (prix Nobel de physique en 1970) à Grenoble et de voir les archives de M. Néel lui-meme, à son domicile. J'ai alors mené une réflexion analogue à celle que vous menez dans l'ASAP sur l'évolution de la production documentaire dans les milieux de la science contemporaine. J'ai créé fin 1993 un programme de recherche pluriannuel avec une convention passée entre le CNRS et le ministère de la Culture, programme appelé ARISC (ARchives Issues des Sciences Contemporaines). ARISC, parce qu'il y avait le risque précisément sur ces archives "à risque" que le programme montre que nous n'aurions plus du tout d'archives d'ici à quelques années. La méthode de travail retenue a été en 1994 et 1995 des enquêtes de terrain dans des laboratoires : interviewer des scientifiques, mais aussi des ingénieurs et des techniciens sur leur pratique documentaire actuelle. En 1995, j'ai aussi fait faire des reportages photographiques sur ce thème du rapport qu'ont les scientifiques à la production écrite. En 1996, le programme a été reconduit pour la 3e année. Il est envisagé de faire des opérations-pilotes de conservation d'une mémoire d'expériences récentes sous forme de papiers et aussi de photos et de témoignages oraux.

Published by the Australian Science Archives Project on ASAPWeb, 12 September 1996.
Prepared by: Tim Sherratt
Updated by: Elissa Tenkate
Date modified: 25 February 1998

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