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Amalie Dietrich, Botanist and Naturalist

Amalie Dietrich Crossword


1. German shipping magnate who employed Dietrich (9)

4. Identify or classify a specimen (5)

7. Amalie's living quarters in the bush (4)

8. Township where Dietrich stayed the longest and set up a small zoo (5)

9. City where Museum Godeffroy was located (7)

12. Entrap, catch (7) 13. Institutions that displayed Dietrich's collections (7)

14. Amalie's favourite scientific field (6)

17. Region just beyond a settled area (8)

19. To place or fix a specimen on a support for display or study (5)

21. Dietrich's daughter (8)

22. Amalie's pet in Queensland (3)

24. Having meagre biological diversity in a region (4)

25. The animal life of an area (5)

26. Types of artifacts that Amalie collected (10)

27. Observe (3)

1. Small tropical lizards, with padded toes (7)

2. Lake where Dietrich spent a happy year with the Hess family (11)

3. Loose hemp or jute fiber, sometimes treated with tar, used for caulking seams (5) 5. Unacknowledged author or contributor (abbreviation) (4)

6. Optical elements of a microscope (6)

10. Animals and plants living near and in the sea (6)

11. Organisms that include moulds and mushrooms (5)

15. What Dietrich collected from the Queensland reefs (5)

16. Location where Amalie arrived in Australia (8)

18. Dietrich was the first person to collect this poisonous snake (6)

19. Queensland town where Amalie stayed in 1867 (6)

20. (5)

21. (5)

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Denise Sutherland for
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Published by the Australian Science Archives Project on ASAPWeb, 30 June 1997
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