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Virtual Library The World-Wide Web Virtual Library - Alphabetical & Library of Congress.

History of Science, Technology and Medicine

Visitors' Book

The WWWVL-HSTM was established on 6 September 1994 to keep track of information facilities in the field of the history of science, technology and medicine. Please mail Tim.Sherratt@asap.unimelb.edu.au if you know of any relevant resources not in this list.

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Please add your own comments!

You've done a great job on a huge subject! I don't know how you're going to keep up as the information explodes. Good luck! Dave (with interests in the history of mathematics).
Dave Joyce (djoyce@black.clarku.edu)
Worcester, MA USA - Saturday, September 16, 1995 at 01:40:57 (EST)
As an historian, I find it very useful, but also dangerous. I could spend most of my scholarship browsing through the pages. Keep up the good work!
Per Vingaard Klüver (pvk@imv.aau.dk)
Aarhus, Denmark - Friday, September 15, 1995 at 01:54:53 (EST)
It's great!
Gustav Holmberg (Gustav.Holmberg@fil.lu.se)
Lund, Sweden - Tuesday, September 12, 1995 at 07:07:21 (EST)
A wonderful place. As a retired engineer, who now works in my home writing, I find such resources *invaluable*. *Please*, keep up the good work.
Deborah DeFrank (dpalmer@use.usit.net)
Knoxville, TN USA - Monday, September 11, 1995 at 23:21:14 (EST)
It's great!
YH Tay (yhtay@ttsb.com.my)
Kuala Lumpur, FT Malaysia - Monday, September 11, 1995 at 13:42:27 (EST)
A very informative and valuable resource. I refer to it often and always find something new and interesting. Thanks for all your hard work in maintaining and upgrading the links.
Felicia Weiner (feliciaw@tenet.edu)
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, September 07, 1995 at 05:36:31 (EST)
I think the Knowledge compiled here can help enyone seeking knowledge of science and technology!
Dan Henderson (dsh@infinet.com)
Columbus, OH USA - Wednesday, September 06, 1995 at 08:58:11 (EST)
Many thanks for all the time spent on this - it's great.
Jim Bennett (jim.bennett@histsci.ox.ac.uk)
Oxford, U.K. - Wednesday, August 30, 1995 at 19:46:12 (EST)
Have done all this work, I get to be the first to congratulate myself in the Visitors' Book! Jolly good show! God bless ASAP and all who sail in it...
Tim Sherratt (Tim.Sherratt@asap.unimelb.edu.au)
Canberra, ACT Australia - Wednesday, August 30, 1995 at 16:08:11 (EST)

The WWWVL-HSTM is maintained by Tim Sherratt (Tim.Sherratt@asap.unimelb.edu.au) for ASAP and published on ASAPWeb.
Last modified on September 16, 1995.