
CFP: HICSS-32, Physician's Desktop


Information Overload on the Physician's Desktop

Part of the IT in Health Care Track of the 32nd Annual Hawai'i
International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) at Maui, HI -
January 5-8, 1999

The ubiquity of data networks and desktop computing means that doctors
can have on-line access to a cornucopia of possibly relevant
information such as hospital admission records, lab results, practice
guidelines, and medical research literature.  How do we best present
the available information so doctors see the relevant, desired and
important facts at the right time without unreasonable effort?

Papers are requested that provide solutions (preferably with
demonstrations of success in clinical practice) to the management of
large amounts of information in clinical workstation environments.
Especially of interest are studies concerning integration of diverse
information sources, practice guidelines, and/or longitudinal views of
medical histories and observations.  Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:

--  Interfaces to the electronic medical record
--  Networks and electronic records structures that support
    integration of diverse sources of clinical information
--  Systems that support coordinated care by integrating information
    from across care providers
--  Longitudinal views of medical histories and observations
--  Methods of displaying, filtering and contextualizing practice
--  Problem-oriented search methods in vast clinical repositories
    (notably, the Web itself)
--  Evidence Based Medicine repositories
--  Drug interaction, alert and reminder systems with emphasis on the
    user interface
--  Multimodal clinical workstations (e.g., integrating textual records,
    teleconferencing, and image retrieval)
--  Clinical workstation usability

Minitrack Chair:

Dr James R. Warren
School of Computer & Information Science
University of South Australia, The Levels
Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8302 3446
Fax: +61 8 8302 3381
E-mail: warren@cis.unisa.edu.au
Web: http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/~cisjrw


March 30, 1998: A brief abstract submitted to minitrack chair for
guidance and indication of appropriate content (optional).

June 1, 1998: Six copies of full paper submitted to minitrack chair

Aug. 31, 1998: Notification of accepted papers mailed to authors.

Oct. 1, 1998: Accepted manuscripts, camera-ready, sent to minitrack
chair; author(s) must register by this time.

Nov. 15, 1998: All other registrations must be received.
Registrations received after this deadline may not be accepted due to
space limitations.

HICSS-32 consists of eight tracks:

       Collaboration Systems and Technology Track
       Digital Documents Track
       Emerging Technologies Track
       IT in Health Care Track
       Internet and the Digital Economy
       Modeling Technologies and Intelligent Systems
       Organizational Systems and Technology Track
       Software Technology Track

For more information about these tracks and a complete list of minitracks, please check the HICSS web page:  http://www.cba.hawaii.edu/hicss
Or contact the Track Administrator, Eileen Dennis, at edennis@uga.edu

Dr. Jim Warren                               Ph:  +61 8 8302 3446
School of Computer and Information Science   Fax: +61 8 8302 3381
The University of South Australia            email: james.warren@unisa.edu.au
Warrendi Road
The Levels SA 5095, AUSTRALIA