Issue No.49, March 1995 (ISSN 0158 9040)
Edited by Tim Sherratt on behalf of AAHPSSS.
In support of the mission of the International Philosophical Preprint Exchange to facilitate the exchange of working papers between philosophers world-wide, Carolyn Burke of the IPPE has recently redesigned the IPPE's World Wide Web access
The IPPE's WWW service is available by opening the URL using Netscape, Mosaic, Lynx, or any other WWW browsers.
The IPPE continues to enjoy a rate of access of over 100 users per day at its main site in Japan. Additional accesses to the many North American and European sites mirroring the IPPE collection probably greatly exceed this number, but are difficult to quantify.
Several more journals have joined the IPPE's program of making pre-press abstracts, tables of contents, and in some cases selected full-text articles available online. Recent additions include Ethics and the Journal of the History of Philosophy, and arrangements are currently being made with five other journals, bringing the total number of journals available or soon to be available through the IPPE to over a dozen.
To access the IPPE, proceed as follows:
To place a paper or comment on the IPPE: see pub/submissions/README.
If you have questions send mail to Carolyn Burke at: