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Blackburn, Thomas (1844 - 1912)

Published Sources
Entomologist and Priest
Born: 16 March 1844  Islington, England.  Died: 28 May 1912  Woodville, South Australia, Australia.
Thomas Balckburn was a Church of England clergyman. During his residence in Australia he described 3,069 species of Australian Coleoptera.

Career Highlights
Born Islington, England, 16 March 1844. Died Woodville, near Adelaide, 28 May 1912. Educated University of London (BA 1868). Department of the Secretary for Inland Revenue; Church of England; ordained a Deacon by the Bishop of Manchester May 1869 and a Priest May 1870; in charge of the Parish of Greenhithe 1970-76; senior Priest and Chaplain to the Bishop, Honolulu 1876-82; Rector of St Thomas', Port Lincoln, South Australia 1882-86; Rector of St Margaret's, Woodville 1886-1912; Honorary Canon, St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide ca 1906-12. Honorary Curator in Entomology, South Australian Museum for many years. Examined all the beetles taken on the Elder Expedition and the Horn Expedition. He was a systematist and probably every worker at Australian Coleoptera during the last 25 years of his life would have sent him specimens at one time of another.

Structure based on ISAAR(CPF) - click here for an explanation of the fields.Prepared by: McCarthy, G.J.
Created: 20 October 1993
Modified: 15 September 2004

Published by The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre on ASAPWeb, 1994 - 2007
Originally published 1994-1999 by Australian Science Archives Project, 1999-2006 by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre
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Updated: 26 February 2007

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