[HASN logo] No. 33, August-September 1994 ISSN 0811-4757
Edited and published by Tim Sherratt (Tim.Sherratt@asap.unimelb.edu.au) for ASAP.

[News logo] Drilling eggs

[BW photo]

Margaret Royston, from the Alfred Archival Association - Nursing Division, reports on the photo used on the cover of the last edition of HASN. She believes that it was published in the 1945 or 1946 CSL Annual Report:

I worked there from June 1945 to June 1946, while waiting to be old enough to start nursing training, and am in that picture.

That picture showed us drilling the hole in the top of each egg and there was another photo taken on the other side of the glass division showing the egg being seeded with virus under more aseptic conditions.

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