[HASN logo] No. 35, December 1995 ISSN 0811-4757

Edited and published by Tim Sherratt (Tim.Sherratt@asap.unimelb.edu.au) for ASAP.

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AGSO Jubilee Symposium

Call for History Papers

This meeting is scheduled for 19-23 February 1996 (see Dates section for contact details). The Earth Sciences History Group has offered to run a session, with the general title Contributions of early geological Surveys, in keeping with the AGSO celebration, but that does not exclude other historical papers. Three papers have already been offered, forming the basis of a session, but another three or four would be welcome. There is a heritage site excursion planned, but there may also be a one day partly historical field trip, so your support will be welcomed by both outgoing and incoming committees. David Branagan will convene the session.

- from ESHG newsletter

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